COVID-19 Updates & Resources
San Jose Christian School is pleased to announce our waiver application for in-person instruction has been approved by the State of California and the County of Santa Clara. In-person instruction will begin on September 28th, 2020.
Read the Waiver Approval Announcement from Head of School, Buddy Hucks.
Questions about how SJCS will operate under COVID-19 Guidelines can be answered in the plan submitted to the county and state:
2020-2021 SJCS COVID-19 Guidelines (PDF)
As we have updates or new tools become available, we'll update this blog entry so you can keep up-to-date.
January 8, 2021 - Happy New Year - On Campus Reminders
September 17 Message | Waiver Approved & Back-to-Campus News
August 28 Message | Waiver Update
August 10 Message | Waiver Update & School Opening
August 1 Message | JK-8 Opening Update
June 5 Message | Planning for 2020/2021 School Year
June 4 Message | Will You Help Us Thrive? Finishing 2019/2020 School Year "Standing Strong"
May 25 Message | Happy Decoration Day
May 14 Update | Planning for the Future
April 28 Update | Facilities Update - Preschool & JK-8
April 10 Update | Easter Message & SJCS Chapel Video
March 30 Update | Facilities Update - Preschool & JK-8
March 23 Update | Head of School Message
March 16 Update | Santa Clara County "Shelter in Place"
March 13 Update | School Closure
SJCS Distance Learning | Tools & Resource
"Technology for a Time Like This"
by Janelle Hendricks | Director of Educational Technology @ San Jose Christian School
Distance Learning Family Share from SJCS Teacher, Ken Tompkins
Google Classroom | Don't have access? Contact your teacher.
Zoom Web Conferencing | Basic account is free and Zoom has waived 40-minute maximum meeting.
Enrollment for 2020-2021 School Year Is Open
Learning is still taking place and so is enrollment. Whether you are a new family looking to learn more or a current family looking to re-enroll, we are available to help.
All events and activities are canceled, such as athletic practices/games, field trips, events, etc.; until further notice. Please make sure to review all communications from our SJCS team to stay up-to-date with news and distance learning plans for your student(s).
Silver Bells & Christmastime
Silver Bells
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas
Children laughing, people passing
Meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you hear
Very soon it will be Christmas day
The song Silver Bells made famous by Bing Crosby, paints an idealized picture of Christmastime. It is what most of the world sees when they think of Christmas. We enjoy the Christmas lights, the busyness of the season, the performances, getting and giving gifts.
Juxtapose Amazon trucks zipping around, busy streets and crowded malls of present-day, to what happened when Christ was born. Mary & Joseph were young and just starting out as a family. They were traveling many miles from home and had nowhere to stay. The city was packed due to the call for a census. They ended up in a stable in a little town of Bethlehem. It was busy and it wasn't ideal. However, a host of angels appeared in front of shepherds. How amazing that would have been to see. In the midst of all that busyness, the Son of God was born in that little stable. Miracles happened that night. And often when we think of that night we think "O Holy Night" and "Silent Night". We idealize this time when Jesus our "bread of life" was born and would change the world forever. How fitting that Christ was born in Bethlehem which means “house of bread”.
Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a lot of busyness here on at SJCS. I have enjoyed this magical time on our campus. Being able to watch the different performances and see the variety of craft projects being done in classrooms always brings a smile to my face. Yet what makes our community so wonderful is that our focus during this season is on the Savior. Every celebration has included all the fun of Christmas, but even more special is the excitement around the birth of our Savior. We hope that as you take time with family and friends to share in special moments this Christmas, that we would all continue to focus on Christ and His birth.
Merry Christmas Tiger Community!
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving means different things to different people—feasting, time with family and friends, getting away for a few days, the beginning of the Christmas season and perhaps Black Friday shopping. The first Thanksgiving in the 1600’s incorporated a three-day feast with the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. Each group brought food and enjoyed a time of fellowship and thanksgiving together. Even though they suffered many heartaches and difficulties, they took time to offer thanks to a God that provided. We have so many blessings from God, yet many times we don’t see them because we focus on the things we don’t have. The Scriptures below help to remind us of how great and good our God is.
“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind," Psalm 107:8
"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalms 106:1
“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69:30
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
One of our Core Values at SJCS is providing our students with a BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW. Within our Mission & Values statements it says,
“At SJCS we value seeing life through the lens of Scriptural truth and living accordingly. We acknowledge the sovereignty of God over every aspect of creation. We address the fallen nature of humanity and the brokenness of creation by directly addressing their effects on life as God intended it to be. We do not avoid difficult issues; we teach biblical discernment.”
As we pause from our busy schedules to celebrate Thanksgiving, my hope is that we all take time to reflect on the goodness of God and the provisions He has given to each of us. Let us acknowledge all the aspects of God’s creation which have impacted us and been a blessing to our lives. For believers, Thanksgiving should be more than a once-a-year holiday. Thanksgiving should be the state of our hearts year round and in everything we should give thanks.
I give thanks to God for each one of you and how your families have blessed San Jose Christian School and the community in which we live. In the picture that goes along with this blog, I'm standing with David (Cityteam) and Sara (Cityteam & SJCS parent). We had just finished our all school chapel where we celebrated filling 13 barrels of food for Cityteam to distribute to our neighors in need, right here in Santa Clara County. Praise and thanks to God for this blessing he provided through all of you. Happy Thanksgiving Tiger Community.
Your Brother in Christ,
Buddy Hucks
Differences Make Us Stronger
What do a physician, fisherman, tax collector, religious leader, and tent maker have in common? On the surface, they don’t have much in common at all really. These were people from vastly different socio-economic backgrounds and experiences, yet God called them together for a purpose. Despite their differences, God used them to spread the gospel and change the world.
Last Friday, at our annual staff retreat, the SJCS faculty and staff spent time together working on understanding all of our differences and how God can use our different skills, personalities, and talents to further his kingdom. It was a profitable, encouraging time in which we were reminded of how God in his providence has brought together the faculty and staff of SJCS to work towards a common goal—providing the best Christian education possible and equipping our students to be world-changers for God’s kingdom.
In I Corinthian 12, Paul talks about how even though the body of Christ is one, it is made up of different parts. God created us differently, and all of us have a part in the body, no matter how big or small, or how many or few, our gifts may be. One part of the body should never tell another part, “I am more important.” We are grafted into the family of God to help each other and to help spread the Good News. God has gifted us differently, and these differences should unite us not divide us. Our desire at SJCS is to use the wonderful diversity of talents God has given us in a way that will reflect how the body of Christ should work together and to encourage our students to do the same.
We are excited to be partnering with you to help your children understand what makes them special in God’s eyes and how they can use their diverse gifts to love, learn, and serve as part of God’s family.
A Partnership in Christian Community
San Jose Christian School was founded with the analogy of a three-legged stool, that family and school and worshipping in community at church interact and work together. There is symbiotic relationship and a partnership. It is with the basis of this picture that we put into practice consistent Biblical principles. Think about how important practice is when it comes to learning a new language. In order to learn Spanish, I spent four weeks in language school in Costa Rica, living with a “Tico” family, fully immersing in the culture and the language. I think of that experience of learning as a picture of what we try to do at SJCS; immerse our students, collaboratively with the family and church, to learn the language of God’s truth in our lives. We are in this together. When a leg of the stool is missing, things become uneven.
Each one of us is learning and being formed by Jesus more and more into His likeness. We need to participate in Christian community in order to know Jesus. We need to participate in Christian community so that the kingdom of God can shape us, and we need Christian community in order to be a blessing to our time and place. We do that with you here at SJCS as you commit to raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)