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Posts Tagged "Giving"

Thanks and Giving

October 31, 2016
By Jenn Thompson

I love November. There is something about the turn of the calendar that helps me push a personal reset button. It comes from breaking down the word THANKSGIVING into two words -- Thanks and Giving. Let’s consider those two words as they relate to SJCS.

Although we should be filled with daily gratitude throughout the year, it is in this month that we all refocus that. In some of my previous talks and musings this year, I have mentioned that one way to Speak Life is to say something positive. I believe that gratitude is an important beginning to positivity. My “life verse” has always been Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Note that Paul doesn’t say in some things, but in EVERYTHING. And because Thanksgiving was not a holiday back in Paul’s time, I am convinced that he meant ALL THE TIME. Consider keeping a gratitude journal with your family and celebrate God’s faithfulness and grace regularly. Be filled with daily gratitude and joy.

If you take a moment to look around our campus, you will see giving in action, each day and each moment. Teachers give their heart and soul in order that our students learn at high levels and come to know and love Jesus more each day. Parents are on campus, giving of their time and e ort with helping with activities and events. Both teachers and parents willingly give their talents and their gifts, usually in service to others. Parents, alumni, and supporters give their treasure in big and small ways in order for our school to thrive and plan for the future. The collaboration of this time, these talents, and these treasures that allows SJCS to be the school God intends.

When you consider San Jose Christian School, you see the body of Christ coming together in a similar way to the early church in the books of Acts. We share what we have, whether it be time, talent or treasures, with each other, that we would grow and see lives transformed by Jesus. Thank you ALL for being part of this intentional Christian community. I thank you for sharing. I thank you for giving. Let the attitude of gratitude pervade our school each and every day, not just this month.

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