Back to Campus - Community FAQ's
Thank you SJCS Community for your questions and for partnering with us in providing a smooth and safe transition back to on-campus learning. We have consolidated some questions that may have been similar and if you have any additional questions after reading the FAQ, please contact our office.
We have provided responses to questions in two sections below. The first section includes Q&A regarding On-Campus Instruction and the second section inlcludes Q&A for families who will continue with Distance Learning.
Access to these FAQ's will be made available on our Head of School - COVID-19 Community Updates and On-Campus Guidelines page if you need to refer to them in the future.
Section 1: On-Campus Instruction Q&A
For your reference, below are the drop-off and pickup times by grade level. We ask that you arrive within your window to make drop-off and pickup as efficient as possible.
JK, K & 1st Grade
Drop-off: 8:00 – 8:10
Pick up: 2:30 - 2:45
Location: Preschool Playground Gate near Room 1
2nd & 3rd
Drop-off: 8:10 – 8:20
Pick up: 2:45 - 3:00
Location: Double Front Gates at the Office
4th & 5th
Drop-off: 8:10 – 8:20
Pick up: 2:45 - 3:00
Location: Recycle Center Double Gates
6th, 7th & 8th
Drop-off: 8:20 – 8:30
Pick up: 3:00 - 3:15
Location: Middle School Gate near Basketball Court
Many thanks to Mr. DenOuden and his special helpers for creating this video to help our families understand our on-campus procedures.
Can I drop both kids off at one location?
Although we understand that most mornings are busy for families, we feel that best practice according to current guidelines is to keep all cohorts from crossing one another’s paths. With this in mind, we would recommend dropping off each student as close as possible to the designated drop off zone.
Will you be doing temperature checks?
Yes, temperature checks will be taken at each entry point along with hand sanitation. In addition, families are required to complete the daily health screen online through the FACTS Family Portal. You will receive a daily reminder each morning from Beverly Singh, Student Services.
Do we still need to bring in anti-bacterial wipes (I can't find any)?
If you are able to provide anti-bacterial wipes, we need more on campus. However, we understand the shortage. As anti-bac wipes become available, please help us out and bring them in. SJCS will be using a hospital-grade disinfectant and cleaner throughout the day on surfaces inside and outside of classrooms as well as inside restrooms.
Can you resend the supplies list?
You can access the 2020-2021 Student Supply List online in pdf format.
Can students be dropped off at the back gate on April Drive?
Unfortunately, we cannot have students enter through the back gate. Our campus is currently locked in the evenings and closed to public use. We would like to keep this side of the campus locked and have one access point where we can follow county protocols. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Will Extended Care be open?
Sadly, SJCS is not able to open Extended Care (E.C.) under current regulations. If E.C. opened, stable cohorts would mix. As soon as Extended Care is allowed again, we look forward to offering this service to our community.
I am wondering how recess and lunch will go?
In order to maintain our cohorts, each grade level is assigned a designated area (zone) for recess and lunch. The designated zones are designed to keep each cohort at least twenty-five feet apart.
How will the school communicate COVID-19 cases to the parents? Will this be isolated to only the infected classroom or will you share it with the school at large?
Generally speaking, any positives cases are referred to the Health Department for follow up and advice regarding the latest protocol based on the current understanding. If a student or staff member in the class tests positive for COVID-19, the entire class is sent home for a 14-day quarantine period and will return to distance learning for that period of time. We will notify the cohort via email of the 14-day quarantine. Also, the entire community will be notified via email of a positive case and the required quarantine.
How many children/staff will need to be infected for the school to close? If there is an outbreak, what is the school/county's plans for mitigating the outbreak? Will you close the school for a period of time and continue with remote learning?
The entire school will return to distance learning if more than 5% of the student body and/or 5% of the staff have positive cases or if multiple cohorts have positive cases.
How often will the staff be tested?
It is recommended that all staff members get tested on a monthly basis based on testing capacity.
Will you consider making masks required for all grades?
Currently, 3rd grade and above are required to wear a mask. Those students in 2nd and below are strongly encouraged to do so. As Santa Clara County protocols change we will notify the community and make necessary changes. Also, children will not be required to wear a mask while doing activities outdoors such as recess, lunch and PE.
Will the desks be 6 feet apart?
The students will be positioned 6 feet apart from one another.
When a student will not be wearing masks due to health/emotional reasons, will the rest of the class receive an explanation so that there is no confusion and all kids will feel comfortable?
We are hoping to avoid singling out children who have an excused reason to remove the mask for certain times or activities as mask-wearing is already stressful on children. Our teachers are trained and prepared to walk students through a variety of concerns as we transition back to campus including mask wearing. Our desire is to understand one another’s needs while still following county guidelines.
Will middle school students be required to change their clothes for P.E.?
Middle school students will not wear PE uniforms or change clothes for PE at this time. On scheduled PE days, students should wear clothing that will allow for movement and exercise. As always, clothing must follow the SJCS dress code.
Section 2: Distance Learning (DL) Q&A
How will my DL student connect to the teacher and classmates if he or she is not in the classroom environment?
Our teachers are committed to our mission to provide exceptional teaching and curriculum fully integrated with Biblical perspective whether the student is online or in person. Teachers have procedures and routines to include all students in discussions, presentations, and community building activities. Each child is loved and valued. Should you have a specific concern once our new routine unfolds, we encourage you to reach out directly to your child's teacher to work toward understanding and resolution. Our heart is to navigate the changes and new routines with both grace and truth.
How will a student be able to ask questions and communicate with the teacher if help is needed during the class period?
Raise your hand. Wait to be called on. The laptop showing DL students will be with the teacher most of the time. Once a lesson is taught, teachers check for questions before moving on. If the teacher is not noticing the DL student, they can unmute and speak to get the teacher's attention.
If the teacher is walking around the room and paying attention to the students in the classroom, they won't be able to hear DL students. How will DL students be able to hear and interact with the teacher if he/she walks away from the computer?
Communication is key. As we all navigate this new territory, feedback is invaluable for both the POSITIVE and the CONSTRUCTIVE. We are working hard to include all learners and provide the excellent Christian education you have come to expect at SJCS. Additionally, the laptop showing DL students will be with the teacher most of the time. Once a lesson is taught, teachers check for questions before moving on. If needed, DL students can unmute and speak to get the teacher's attention.
If there is group work how will DL students be able to participate?
If there is group work, the DL students can join via laptop. The teacher can place the laptop showing the DL students on a desk near the other students in their group that are in the classroom. If there are a lot of DL students, they can be their own group on the computer. (breakout room, corner of classroom, etc.
If there are connection issues during class who will we contact?
Connection issues should not be an issue as we have been having a lot of success for the past 5 weeks of DL. If an issue arises, there is grace. Simply email the teacher and let them know what happened to your connection. If you need help with anything you missed, let your teacher know and they can help you at a later date/time that works for you both.
Why are DL students required to be a part of library and art?
At SJCS one of our core values is teaching the whole child. This means that our program intentionally seeks to grow our students spiritually, academically, emotionally, and socially. Classes such as music, library, and art provide rich opportunities to teach the whole child.
What do students do in classes such as computers and art?
Each SJCS course has defined standards, objectives, faith integration, and assessments. You can read about the essential learning outcomes for each course on our school website.
On the right side of these links you can click on the specific grade level for elementary or middle school. Additionally, at any time you can reach out to a teacher to get a detailed scope and sequence emailed via pdf.
When do DL students pick up and drop off materials, and what should we do if we cannot make the suggested time?
Pick up and drop off times are scheduled to consider the health, safety, and availability of our community. Due to the high traffic flow from 8 - 9 am and 2:30 - 3:30 am and the teacher's daily schedules, the preferred pick up time for DL families is from 4:00 - 5:00 pm. A table will be set up outside the auditorium under the overhang for both drop off and pick up. Your child's homeroom teacher will communicate the frequency of pickup required, which may need to be adjusted once we get underway. If you have a printer at home, materials can also be emailed for you to print at home in lieu of coming on campus. As always, if the suggested time does not work for you, please contact the office to arrange an alternative time to pick up materials. Thank you for your collaboration as we establish a new routine.
DL students will be logged on almost the full school day. Do you have suggestions about how to keep them engaged?
The on-campus schedule which will be used during on-campus instruction includes regular built-in breaks for recesses and lunch. DL students will use those breaks at home as well. During a learning block of time, teachers, especially the lower elementary teachers, stay aware of student focus and bandwidth. Many teachers offer brain breaks, stretching, or breathing exercises to give students a chance to move and get oxygen to the brain. Additional strategies for our DL students can include a school space where standing is possible during the class, freedom to stand and stretch at any time, and staying hydrated for maximum focus. Specials classes (PE, library, art, music, computers) are included at some point of each day. The change of teachers and activities may also help our DL learners stay engaged. As our DL families experience the first days of the new routine, we encourage them to share DL tricks with us so that we can pass them on to other families!
Will the teachers still hold office hours for the DL kids and/or parents?
SJCS class sizes are small and connection with every student is one of our priorities. Reach out to your child's teacher to set up meeting times with you or your student as needed or on a regular basis.