A Partnership in Christian Community
San Jose Christian School was founded with the analogy of a three-legged stool, that family and school and worshipping in community at church interact and work together. There is symbiotic relationship and a partnership. It is with the basis of this picture that we put into practice consistent Biblical principles. Think about how important practice is when it comes to learning a new language. In order to learn Spanish, I spent four weeks in language school in Costa Rica, living with a “Tico” family, fully immersing in the culture and the language. I think of that experience of learning as a picture of what we try to do at SJCS; immerse our students, collaboratively with the family and church, to learn the language of God’s truth in our lives. We are in this together. When a leg of the stool is missing, things become uneven.
Each one of us is learning and being formed by Jesus more and more into His likeness. We need to participate in Christian community in order to know Jesus. We need to participate in Christian community so that the kingdom of God can shape us, and we need Christian community in order to be a blessing to our time and place. We do that with you here at SJCS as you commit to raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)