Support Spiritual Transformation at SJCS
SJCS supporters help us achieve our mission to educate students to be world-changers who transform culture for Jesus Christ. Play an important role in the development of future Christian leaders in Silicon Valley by supporting the work at SJCS.
Give Online
Give online using the button below. You can give online with a credit card or echeck.
Recurring Gifts
Make a lasting, kingdom impact with recurring gifts. Using our fundraising platform, you can set up an ongoing monthly gift to support SJCS all yearlong, or make your annual gift automatic.
Give by Mail
Send donations by cash or check to the address below:
San Jose Christian School
c/o Annual Tiger Fund
1300 Sheffield Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008
Annual Tiger Fund
Gifts to the Annual Tiger Fund make our programs at SJCS more exceptional and more accessible. While tuition covers the basic operating expenses of our school, gifts to the Annual Tiger Fund allow us to go beyond the budget in terms of enrichment and tuition assistance. The Tiger Fund makes it possible for more families to be part of our covenant-based, Christian community with Financial Aid & Scholarships, including pastoral discounts.
Endowment Fund
Each year, students receive character and merit-based scholarships from the Endowment Fund. This fund remains separate from the school's general budget and provides long-term financial stability for the school. Since only the income from prudent investments is distributed for scholarships, a gift made to SJCS benefits not only today's students, but students for generations to come.
Contribute unending, long-term support to SJCS with a gift to the Endowment Fund. Contact us to learn more about contributing to this fund via estate planning.
There are many ways to support SJCS. If you have questions or are interested in learning more, please contact us.

Professional Biography
I graduated from Calvin University (Grand Rapids, MI) in 2018 with a BA in English Secondary Education and minors in ESL (English as a Second Language) and Spanish. After graduation, I moved to San Jose where I taught as an English and ELD teacher at Willow Glen High School for 4 years. Teaching gave me a great love for supporting students where they are at and helping to foster their growth into more creative and more critical thinkers. As I sought a new career that would continue to support young people but also gave me more opportunities to write and collaborate, God led me to my current position as the Director of Community Development at San Jose Christian. I am excited to have this opportunity to share the great things God is doing in this place.
Personal Biography
I am originally from the Midwest – born in the Chicago suburbs and raised in West Des Moines, Iowa. Since moving to San Jose, I have attended and become a member at Palo Alto Christian Reformed Church. I am a lover of words and good stories, and I have always been a reader. I also enjoy all varieties of flowers, cupcakes, and coffee. My husband and I live in Willow Glen.
Christian Philosophy of Education
I believe in the triune God who is, by nature, communal, and I believe that God created people in the imago dei. We, then, are also built for community and for connection. As a former English teacher, I rooted my instruction on this mission and sought to teach young people to see and use language in ways that develop empathy. Although my role in education has changed, I still see its purpose as a way to connect students with God, the world around them, and with other people. I hope that in telling the story of the school, I can also tell the story of the God who invites these young people into a divine relationship and Christian fellowship.