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Differences Make Us Stronger

September 23, 2019
By Buddy Hucks | Head of School

What do a physician, fisherman, tax collector, religious leader, and tent maker have in common? On the surface, they don’t have much in common at all really. These were people from vastly different socio-economic backgrounds and experiences, yet God called them together for a purpose. Despite their differences, God used them to spread the gospel and change the world.

Last Friday, at our annual staff retreat, the SJCS faculty and staff spent time together working on understanding all of our differences and how God can use our different skills, personalities, and talents to further his kingdom. It was a profitable, encouraging time in which we were reminded of how God in his providence has brought together the faculty and staff of SJCS to work towards a common goal—providing the best Christian education possible and equipping our students to be world-changers for God’s kingdom.

In I Corinthian 12, Paul talks about how even though the body of Christ is one, it is made up of different parts.  God created us differently, and all of us have a part in the body, no matter how big or small, or how many or few, our gifts may be. One part of the body should never tell another part, “I am more important.” We are grafted into the family of God to help each other and to help spread the Good News. God has gifted us differently, and these differences should unite us not divide us. Our desire at SJCS is to use the wonderful diversity of talents God has given us in a way that will reflect how the body of Christ should work together and to encourage our students to do the same.

We are excited to be partnering with you to help your children understand what makes them special in God’s eyes and how they can use their diverse gifts to love, learn, and serve as part of God’s family.
