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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

San Jose Christian School commits to offering the best education possible for our students. We believe that God uniquely knit together each student and that their academic journey, too, will be unique.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:13-14

To support the diverse needs of our students, SJCS offers a pull-out Learning Center program for students in grades 1-5 and a Middle School Student Advocate for students in grades 6-8. You can learn more about these programs below.


Learning Center 

The Learning Center program provides instruction and support for students in grades 1-5 who are experiencing difficulty in phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, reading comprehension, and written expression. This pull-out program provides 40-90 minutes of instruction per day during the grade level Language Arts period. There is an additional tuition fee for this program.

The Learning Center supports students, families and teachers through: 

  • Small class size offers students more individualized attention
  • Curriculum and instruction methods are Orton-Gillingham based and provide a systematic and multi-sensory approach to learning
  • Classroom observations
  • Parent conferences provide recommendations for tools, strategies, and accommodations for classroom and home
  • Support for teachers and parents to better understand a child’s learning style
  • Recommendations for outside resources
  • Basic evaluations in phonological processing, achievement, and oral language (additional cost for evaluations)


Middle School Academic Support

The Middle School Student Advocate (MSSA) provides additional support for grade 6-8 students who have an individual accommodation plan. Plans are created in collaboration with the Learning Center Director. The MSSA works with students, families, and teachers, to implement students’ accommodations in the classroom, specifically during Language Arts and Advisory periods.

The MSSA supports students, families, and teachers through: 

  • The implementation of student accommodations in the classroom
  • Support for assignments in reading, writing, and speech during Language Arts class
  • Small group direction during Advisory periods
  • Classroom observations to provide feedback to the student, parents, and teachers
  • Recommendations for students and teachers of best practices, support, and training
  • Conferences with students, parents, and teachers

To learn more about our academic support offerings or to have your child assessed for an additional fee, please contact our team.

Academic Support Team

  • Profile Photo

    Michelle Nibbelink

    Learning Center Director
  • Profile Photo

    Tabitha DeAnda

  • Profile Photo

    Jennifer Baham

    Teaching Principal
Early Action Dis