Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving means different things to different people—feasting, time with family and friends, getting away for a few days, the beginning of the Christmas season and perhaps Black Friday shopping. The first Thanksgiving in the 1600’s incorporated a three-day feast with the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. Each group brought food and enjoyed a time of fellowship and thanksgiving together. Even though they suffered many heartaches and difficulties, they took time to offer thanks to a God that provided. We have so many blessings from God, yet many times we don’t see them because we focus on the things we don’t have. The Scriptures below help to remind us of how great and good our God is.
“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind," Psalm 107:8
"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalms 106:1
“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69:30
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
One of our Core Values at SJCS is providing our students with a BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW. Within our Mission & Values statements it says,
“At SJCS we value seeing life through the lens of Scriptural truth and living accordingly. We acknowledge the sovereignty of God over every aspect of creation. We address the fallen nature of humanity and the brokenness of creation by directly addressing their effects on life as God intended it to be. We do not avoid difficult issues; we teach biblical discernment.”
As we pause from our busy schedules to celebrate Thanksgiving, my hope is that we all take time to reflect on the goodness of God and the provisions He has given to each of us. Let us acknowledge all the aspects of God’s creation which have impacted us and been a blessing to our lives. For believers, Thanksgiving should be more than a once-a-year holiday. Thanksgiving should be the state of our hearts year round and in everything we should give thanks.
I give thanks to God for each one of you and how your families have blessed San Jose Christian School and the community in which we live. In the picture that goes along with this blog, I'm standing with David (Cityteam) and Sara (Cityteam & SJCS parent). We had just finished our all school chapel where we celebrated filling 13 barrels of food for Cityteam to distribute to our neighors in need, right here in Santa Clara County. Praise and thanks to God for this blessing he provided through all of you. Happy Thanksgiving Tiger Community.
Your Brother in Christ,
Buddy Hucks