Technology For A Time Like This

Hello Tiger Community,
As the Director of Educational Technology, this time of remote learning is in some ways exciting to me. While I would never have chosen to be "thrown" into it the way we were, it has been a joy to watch our students put the things we have taught and discussed into practice during our remote learning time. I am also increasingly thankful for how our parents have responded and supported us through this transition.
Each age level has different struggles and blessings and I pray we can work together to meet your needs as parents. One thing to remember parents - go easy on yourselves. You've (probably) never facilitated remote learning with your kids before, as most of us have never facilitated remote learning before this time. We are all in this together!
When a student enters middle school at SJCS, the student and parents go through a tech training before the student receives their laptop for middle school. Some of the resources we talk about might be helpful to you during this time of remote learning. I am going to list some links for you to browse through and if you have any questions about them, please feel free to reach out to me.
Common Sense Media Customizable Device Contract
Common Sense Media Family Media Agreement
Circle - internet filter and screen time management
(We use this as a family at home)
Screen Time (MacOS)
I don't know about you, but the past three and a half weeks have been a blur of good things, hard things, happy times and stressful times. The one thing that has not changed is that our God is in control and He is faithful.
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy note. Below you will find several resources of activities and things to think about while we spend more time than usual on our devices.
I am so thankful for our SJCS community!
Mrs. Janelle Hendricks | Director of Educational Technology
Additional Resources
How to upload assignments to Google Classroom
Find Screen time Balance with Circle
Ergonomic Sitting for Children
Websites for elementary students
Free resources during remote learning: