Silver Bells & Christmastime

Silver Bells
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas
Children laughing, people passing
Meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you hear
Very soon it will be Christmas day
The song Silver Bells made famous by Bing Crosby, paints an idealized picture of Christmastime. It is what most of the world sees when they think of Christmas. We enjoy the Christmas lights, the busyness of the season, the performances, getting and giving gifts.
Juxtapose Amazon trucks zipping around, busy streets and crowded malls of present-day, to what happened when Christ was born. Mary & Joseph were young and just starting out as a family. They were traveling many miles from home and had nowhere to stay. The city was packed due to the call for a census. They ended up in a stable in a little town of Bethlehem. It was busy and it wasn't ideal. However, a host of angels appeared in front of shepherds. How amazing that would have been to see. In the midst of all that busyness, the Son of God was born in that little stable. Miracles happened that night. And often when we think of that night we think "O Holy Night" and "Silent Night". We idealize this time when Jesus our "bread of life" was born and would change the world forever. How fitting that Christ was born in Bethlehem which means “house of bread”.
Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a lot of busyness here on at SJCS. I have enjoyed this magical time on our campus. Being able to watch the different performances and see the variety of craft projects being done in classrooms always brings a smile to my face. Yet what makes our community so wonderful is that our focus during this season is on the Savior. Every celebration has included all the fun of Christmas, but even more special is the excitement around the birth of our Savior. We hope that as you take time with family and friends to share in special moments this Christmas, that we would all continue to focus on Christ and His birth.