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Summer Camp 2025

Coming Soon!

We are already preparing for TIGER Camp 2025! Check back later for specific dates, weekly themes, and registration information.


General Information

T.I.G.E.R. Camp runs for 7 weeks in the summer with one break during the week of 4th of July. Campers engage in enrichment activities and have ample opportunities for indoor and outdoor recreation. Camp takes place daily on the SJCS campus, with occasional planned field trips. 

Contact Summer Camp

Frequently Asked Questions

T.I.G.E.R. Camp is open to JK-8th Grade students who are currently enrolled at SJCS or who will be enrolled at SJCS for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in T.I.G.E.R. Camp but are not currently enrolled, please contact our team.

If you have a preschool-age child, you are welcome to sign up for our year-round Preschool. Learn more about SJCS Preschool.

Main meals and snacks will not be provided. Each student must bring their own lunch each day as well as a morning and afternoon snack if they are staying the whole day. Students will not have access to refrigeration or a microwave. There will also occasionally be special food days, which will be communicated throughout the summer.

Summer T.I.G.E.R. Camp is a full-day summer camp. Payment and registration are made for a full, five-day week from 8:00am-5:00pm. Children may be picked up for appointments, but we cannot accommodate adjusted pricing for an adjusted schedule (e.g. M, W, F only). Students must be picked up by 5:00pm daily. Please refer to the late fees policy below. 

Late Fees Policy

  • Late Pick-Up Fees: $5 for the first 5 minutes and $5 each minute thereafter.
  • Late fee charges will be invoiced each month with payments to SJCS due by the 15th of the month and delinquent on the 25th of the month. A late fee of 5% of the late balance or $50 (whichever is greater) will be applied to all delinquent accounts.

Payment information will be provided at registration. Please direct questions about payments to the SJCS Business Manager.

We understand that circumstances may come up and your family's plans may change throughout the summer. Please refer to our cancellation policy below. Since funds are allocated for summer staff, materials, and field trips, any cancellation after May 31 is non-refundable. 

Payment & Cancellation Policy

  • All refund requests must be delivered via email at
  • Cancellation before May 31, 2024 will be charged 25% of camp payments as a non-refundable processing fee.
  • Cancellation after May 31, 2024 is non-refundable.


  • Profile Photo

    Brianna Cisneros

    Director of Enrichment

Summer Employment

We are seeking summer camp leaders who love God and love kids. Apply today to join our team!

Apply Now

Clergy Recommendation

Submit your completed application to our Director of Enrichment Programs.

Looking for Summer Preschool? 

New families can join SJCS preschool this summer by following our admissions process. 

Preschool Admissions
