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Posts Tagged "Prayer"

Caelum et Terra

October 11, 2018
By Buddy Hucks

“The Heavens declare the glory of God,” as the Psalmist says. This is a truth that my wife and I wanted to instill in our children as they were growing up. Whenever we asked them who made the stars or the ocean or the flowers, they immediately answered with a resounding “God made it!” They took for granted that God made everything in creation. For them it was a given, as it should be for all Christians. God made everything in the universe and sustains it. Question 8 of the OPC Shorter Catechism asks, “How does God execute his decrees?” The answer is “God executes his decrees in the works of creation and providence.” Creation is the evidence of God’s providence, but sometimes even Christians take creation for granted. We forget that creation is evidence of God’s sustaining power not only in the universe but also in each of our lives. We may not always see clearly His hand at work, and sometimes it may seem that He has abandoned us altogether. Sometimes when I feel far from God, all I have to do is pause to reflect on the awesomeness of His creation. Matthew 6:26 reminds us that if God takes care of the sparrow, how much more will He take care of us. Question 9 of the Shorter Catechism asks, “What is the work of creation?” And the response is “The work of creation is God's making all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six days, and all very good.” If God can make all things of nothing, He is certainly able to work all things for good in our lives.

This past week a group of dads met for prayer (Dads in Prayer, aka DIPS). As we talked and prayed, we were reminded of how the hand of God is at work in each other’s lives. We kept coming back to the same conclusion—God has everything in His control. Even if we don’t understand all that is going on in the world and our lives, and even when things seem to be spiraling out of control, God is in perfect control. Part of what make the SJCS community so special is that we understand Who has ultimate control of everything. This truth should be a source of great comfort to us. We live in a fallen world full of broken and hurting people, but God is still in control and works all things for our good and His glory.

Dads, please consider joining us on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 8:30 AM in the auditorium for a time of prayer and fellowship. When believers gather together to go before God, it not only strengthens us, but it reminds us that God is in control.

This Tiger Tracks Latin phrase is Caelum et Terra. Have your child translate this passage by Friday and turn it in me. Please make sure their names are on the translation.

Take Time

January 23, 2017
By Jenn Thompson

Last week, I had the opportunity to reconnect with the faculty and cohort from the year long executive management program I am taking through the Van Lunen Center at Calvin College. The Van Lunen Center provides training to school administrators in their first ten years of service, and this week’s topics ranged from strategic planning to HR, from spiritual leadership to advancement, and from marketing to the technological impact on teaching and learning. It has been amazing learning from peers, mentors, and experts, and I truly thank the Board and faculty for allowing me to pursue this and be o campus a few times this year.

An added bonus to this week at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale was to very intentionally “be in the desert” and find time to fill my soul spiritually. Some of my personal time alone with God included walking the labyrinth. One of the attendees briefly told us that labyrinths have been used for centuries as a “pilgrimage” of prayer, refocusing at each turn on God- praising, listening, and unburdening ourselves. For me, I often lose focus while I pray, and as I took each turn, it reminded me of the many turns our lives take and that in ALL THINGS, God is beside us. When we are busy, when we don’t stop and rest, and our time with our heavenly Father can be hurried and unfocused. As a Christian school leader, it really is critical that I spend quality time with God and listen well to His leading.

All of us are leaders – as parents, employees, in church etc. – and we truly need this time with God. As you serve God in the areas in which He has called, may you be blessed and encouraged. Let us continue to rest in God and pray with and for each other.

Pray Without Ceasing

September 19, 2016
By Jenn Thompson

San Jose Christian School is a praying community. God calls us to pray without ceasing (Colossians 4:2), and to pray for others (James 5:16) and we do that. Very few things bring me more joy than walking into a classroom and listening to the prayers of our students- for each other, for their families, and for their friends.

Last year, the faculty and the middle school began praying for a young man in South Africa. He was very ill with cancer, with what seemed little hope for recovery. Just a few days ago, Mrs. Coetsee informed the staf and students that God continues to be in the business of miracles. Rayno, who has been on a road of trials, is cancer free. Praise God! And that is exactly what the students did in shared emails. Words of praise and thanksgiving filled the inboxes.

Prayer connects us with God, but it also connects us in community and allows us to celebrate His faithfulness! Being able to share in answered prayer is God’s way of allowing us to see Him at work. Do our prayers alter God’s intentions? No. However, it is through prayer that we build our relationship with God.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Philippians 4:4

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