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Posts Tagged "Marathon Club"

SJCS Tigers are "streaking" their way to success!

March 29, 2021
By Robyn Ritsema | Athletic Director

You may have heard that a group of tigers is called a streak. Tigers are generally solitary animals but when grouped together, like we are at SJCS, we can do amazing things when we put our minds to it!

We began our year of physical education talking about our theme "Made to Thrive" and I shared the scripture from Psalm 139:14 with our students, 

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." (NIV)

We have many opportunities in our classes to glorify God as we move and create in our play and our exercise.

This year, as we emphasize our personal physical fitness we have focused in the area of cardiovascular endurance. This has been a new challenge for our students this year as we are all working toward a goal of running a marathon by the end of the school year to join the "Marathon Club."  Our students are learning to challenge themselves, to push through the hard days of exercise, and to rejoice and be glad in the bodies we have been given by our Great Creator, God. All for His glory!

I'm proud to share with you that 33 of our students have reached their goal of a full marathon (26.2 miles) at the end 3rd quarter! We have several students who will reach their marathon goal within the next month. Overall, our students have run over 2,500 miles in the 2020-21 school year! Please celebrate their accomplishments with us. 

Congratulations to our 5th grade class! They have the highest percent of students reaching their marathon goal for the year (33%) in our Elementary grades.

Congratulations to our 6th grade class as well. They have the highest percentage of students reaching marathon status in Middle School with 44% of the class reaching their goal.

Eleven of our Middle School students continued their running as members of our SJCS Cross Country team. Due to COVID restrictions, we were unable to have an official meet (race) with other schools as we had hoped, however we did have our own team race at Montgomery Hill Park on March 23rd. We are proud of our team and the hard work they put in training after school two days a week and once on weekends during January, February, and March. Thank you for supporting our Tigers and for getting your orange crush on for our race that day!


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