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Nicole Nesdahl

Nicole Nesdahl
Nicole Nesdahl
Phone: 408-371-7741
Groups: Elementary,Middle School
8 Years Experience At School

Professional Biography

Having grown up in a book-rich environment, I have always loved literature and libraries.  As a child my parents would let me check out as many books as I could carry from my local public library, and I am still doing that as an adult and with my own children.  We regularly max out the book limit on my library card! This life-long love of books led me to pursue my Master's degree in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University. I have many years of experience working professionally as a librarian in several Bay Area libraries where one of my specialities was children's services. I love connecting with kids (and adults!) over books!

Personal Biography

The Bay Area has always been my home; I am one of the few in the South Bay who is a native Californian.  My husband Jason and I were married in 1995 and love living in the Bay Area as we are near our dear family. We also enjoy our close proximity to many beautiful parts of the state, especially the coast. Jason and I have two children, Josh and Madeline. We became a part of the SJCS community in 2007 when my son Josh began 1st grade. My daughter Madeline is a student here at SJCS and Josh is now in high school. As a family we learn, grow, connect and worship at Peninsula Bible Church Willow Glen. Spending time with my family, traveling, cooking, walking, reading (surprise!), the beach, listening to music, and the San Jose Earthquakes are some of my interests.

Christian Philosophy of Education

Our family was drawn to SJCS as it is a school with families and staff refreshingly alive in their faith. Now as a member of the staff, I am blessed even more to work with believers who fully support my efforts in the library and encourage my faith. It’s inspiring to see my peers wholeheartedly committed to their roles in Christian education and excitedly engaging students. It is my honor and privilege to spend time each week with children who are growing believers with growing minds. I love, together with the students, drawing connections between the things we are reading in the library and what we know about the Creator and his love for us.  Within SJCS, the library has a unique role to provide materials for education and enjoyment that nurture the mind of the child as well as the soul.
