Teacher Tales - Spotlight on 6th Grade
Last week, the 6th graders welcomed guest speaker Mrs. Herbert, to their classroom. Mrs. Herbert is a learning style expert and a SJCS parent who has worked with several grade levels on campus. She spoke with us about the Unthinkables- traits that we all have that work against us in our learning and relationships (examples include Brain Eater that distracts the students, Worry Wall works to cause worry, and Energy Hare-y gives students too much energy).
The students were challenged to consider Unthinkables that they might have, and teachers shared their own. We then brainstormed ways to defeat our Unthinkables. The students had great ideas and have been challenged to work to defeat their Unthinkables in the coming weeks. While the Unthinkables are important to recognize in our lives, it also helps us understand that we all struggle with di erent things. It also gives students an opportunity to grow in empathy by a rming and encouraging one another. We are working to recognize that God has created us uniquely, and we are practicing seeing God’s workmanship in each other.
Throughline: Effective Communicators- Build others up and demonstrate empathy